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Yesterday we received aid for children provided by «Ашан» hypermarket:

-infant’s food  «МАЛЮТКА» №1 (700 g)—2 boxes;

-infant’s food  «МАЛЮТКА» №2 (700 g)—2 boxes;

-infant’s food  «МАЛЮТКА» №3 (700 g)—2 boxes;

-children diapers size №3—3 packings (216 pcs.)

-children diapers size №4—2 packings (136 pcs.)

-children diapers size №6—2 packings (108 pcs.)

-children wipes—134 boxes (60 pcs.)


We are extremely happy that our work resonates with so many people! «KHF» thanks hypermarket «Ashan» for their assistance and cooperation, and we hope, it will become a good tradition.