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In June this year, Inna Panuhina and Darya Zhuk came from Lugansk to Odessa to take part in International swimming competition among children with disabilities. But the joy of the 2nd place taken by command was overshadowed by the news of escalating conflict in the ATO zone.

Girls weren’t able to come back home …


Now Inna and Daria temporarily live in Karolino-Buhaz village. The situation is complicated by the fact that they have the 2nd disability group: girls suffer from phenylketonuria. This disease requires a strict diet as protein necessary for the patient’s body, can be excreted strictly by grams from specialized food.


We gave to Inna and Daria the necessary medicine «Tetraphen-70» (4 pieces) in the amount of 3 477 UAH 60 kopecks. We wish the girls not to lose heart and make us happy with their victories for many years!